Nationalise Carbon, Care For People, Reduce & Reuse
If we are going to have any chance to save all the amazing life including ourselves on this planet we need to make huge radical changes today. This site lists my ideas on the changes needed and importantly how we care for and support everyone during this difficult time.
Decarbonise the world
1Locally nationalise CO2 at source
Each country nationalizes all oil, gas, & coal facilities within its borders. Then shut them down quickly and cleanly leaving only minimal output for critical uses.
2Only critical use of carbon carbon fuels
Dye and mark all carbon based fuels during production used for critical (food production, health care, education, recyclable plastics, etc) and make it a criminal offence for non critical use. Quickly phase out and hugely increase the prices for non critical use and transition quickly to no carbon alternatives.
3Actively Support Low Carbon Alternatives
Subsidise and heavily promote local and national use of wind power, solar Power, pump storage, tidal generation, battery power storage, etc. Support low carbon electric transportation, cycling, electric bikes, low cost electric cars, & energy efficient housing. Train people , create jobs and new industry's to make this work.
4Learn from our mistakes
In Each country keep one closed refinery, cola mine etc as an educational museum site to show future generations how we saved the world so they do not repeat our mistakes.
Support people during the changes and beyond
1Support all displaced carbon workers
Anyone whose livelihood is lost will be paid a living wage for the rest of their lives whether they work or not.
2Ongoing Education
Provide free University or Vocational Education to all at any age paying a living wage while they study. Create course that will support re-cycling, community support, education, health, etc
3Water, Shelter, Food, & Internet
Governments are responsible to provide the basics for life for all for free. Paid for by everyone's taxes.
4Health Care
Provide free health and community care to all.
5Finical Transaction Tax
To support the required changes create a small tax percentage on all finical transactions globally large or small.
6Wealth Tax
Build a fair transparent tax system where the wealth support the poor.
7Sortation Based Politics
Build an open sortation based political infrastructure (random selections from anyone who wants to serve with free education to the level needed). For Local ,National, International Governments, & change oversite.
8Make climate crime illegal
From companies lying (greenwash) to climate deniers create and enforce laws to stop people who want to destroy the planet.
9Strengthen food safety
Stop the production of highly processed industrialised food products. Protect farmer, their land, and livestock.
10Make exploitation a crime
Make it illegal to pay poverty wages and ban zero hour contracts, set a real living minimum wage.
11Basic Income for all
Provide a basic income to everyone as part of the tax system.
12Shut down tax avoidance and tax havens
The cost of change will be high so the maximum tax income needs to be raised.
Open boarders and reduce blocks from working and living where people want to and are needed.
14Flatten differences
Make the world a level playing field for pay, health care, education, democracy.
15Support art and creativity
Move away from work to live. introduce art and creativity into everyone's lives.
16Make politics Green
embrace the green movement into politics and think planet first in all legislation.
Encourage re-use, Reduce waste and move to a zero growth world economy
1Ban single use packaging and products
greatly reduce global pollution by making illegal to produce single use products that cant be re-used, easily re-cycled or composted.
2Support recycling and re-use
Set up local re-cycling, repair and reuse centres in every neighbourhood and train people with the skills to make it work
3Lower food miles
Ban shipment of food by air freight
Support local food distribution and local food markets. Switch back to seasonal food availability.
4Discourage unnecessary consumption
Work against trends and the "out of style" concept and throw away fashion that generate huge amounts of waste
5Encourage zero growth economies
Reduce GDP each year until we have an economy that can be sustained on this planet
6Slow down sea shipping
Cut cargo ships speed by half to pollute less and reduce the global shipping capacity to slow down unnecessary consumption
7Rethink flight transport
Stop flight transport of consumer goods and food. Only fly planes that are full. Only have one class. Make it more attractive to travel by rail.
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